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Angel Phantom Quartz, SPECIMENS
Angel Phantom Quartz Specimen
Keywords: Connecting with the Angelic domain, Attuning to the Higher Self, Finding inner peace
Element: Storm
Chakras: Third Eye (6th), Crown (7th)
Angel Phantom Quartz, also known as Amphibole Quartz, is among the most dramatic-looking of the many types of Quartz crystals with inclusions of other minerals. The Amphibole group includes such metaphysically significant minerals as Tremolite, Actinolite, Hornblende, Riebeckite and Richterite. The abundant white, yellow and red-orange inclusions in Angel Phantom Quartz can consist of one or more of these. Angel Phantom Quartz crystals were discovered in a remote area of Brazil and quite rare. Their hardness is 7. Most unpolished specimens exhibit chips or opaque coatings on their surfaces, so they are often polished to better display their beauty.
SKU: n/a -
Angel Wing Blue Anhydrite, SPECIMENS
Angel Wing Blue Anhydrite
Keywords: Communication with angels and spirit guides, Enhanced psychic perception, Self-acceptance and forgiveness
Element: Wind
Chakras: Throat (5th), Third Eye (6th), Crown (7th)
Like the closely related stone known as Angelite, Angel Wing Blue Anhydrite is a calcium sulphate mineral with an orthorhombic crystal system and a hardness of 3.5. These crystal clusters, which often form in fan-shaped sprays reminiscent of wings, are found in Mexico. Their color is the same soft blue as Angelite.
SKU: n/a