Showing 1–40 of 91 results
Magnetite Crystal
Price : 20$ Per Piece
- Metaphysical Properties: Enhances intuition, promotes relaxation, supports dream recall.
- Healing Energies: Alleviates stress, aids in restful sleep, enhances spiritual awareness.
- Spiritual Connection: Deepens meditation, connects to higher realms, facilitates spiritual growth.
- Zodiac Signs: Pisces, Aquarius.
SKU: n/a -
Aragonite, SPECIMENS
Aragonite Specimen
Product โ Each piece Best Quality $20 and the low quality $10 | Shipping Customer payAragonite is a calcium carbonate mineral with a hardness of 3.5 to 4. It occurs in various colors, including white, gray, reddish, yellow-green, and blue. The most popular varieties for metaphysical use are Red Aragonite and Blue Aragonite. Aragoniteโs crystal system is orthorhombic, and it can be found in prismatic crystals, concretions, stalactitic masses or other forms. Aragonite forms the skeleton of a number of marine organisms, either living or recently fossilized. Beautiful reddish Aragonites come from Molina de Aragon, Spain. The most popular forms of Aragonite for metaphysical use are the reddish Aragonite Star Clusters found in Morocco and the stunning Blue Aragonite specimens which have recently come out of China. Other Aragonites occur in Italy, Greece, Austria, England, Czech Republic, Mexico, Peru, Pakistan and USA
SKU: n/a -
Aragonite Star Clusters, SPECIMENS
Aragonite Star Clusters
Keywords:ย Balancing energy fields, Emotional healing, Renewed strength and confidence
Element:ย ย Storm
Chakras:ย All
These stones are powerful allies for the healing and balancing of the emotional body. They can assist in maintaining a center of serenity in trying circumstances and in discharging subconsciously held tensions relating to past emotional wounds. Meditation with these beautiful and uniquely shaped crystal clusters can open the inner eye to visionary experiences of past lives and forgotten events in this lifetime. Such memories can initially occur as the vivid re-experiencing of old woundings.
SKU: n/a -
Clear Quartz Crystal, CRYSTALS
Clear Quartz Crystal
Product โ Clear Quartz Crystal from Brazil
Price โ $9 per pieces
Classically, Clear Quartz stones are thought of as colorless, candle-shaped hexagonal prismatic crystals with relatively smooth sides and naturally facetted terminations at one or both ends.
SKU: n/a