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Keywords: Psychic protection, Grounding, Cleansing of negativity, Spirit communication
Element: Earth
Chakras: Root (1st)
Product – Fire Agate Specimen
Keywords: Vitality, Sexuality, Creativity, will
Element: Fire
Chakras: Root (1st), Sexual/Creative (2nd), Solar Plexus (3rd)
Keywords: Healing abuse of power, Activating the higher will, Enhanced manifestation Element: Earth Chakras: Root (1st), Solar Plexus (3rd)
Product – Hematite Specimen Keywords: Grounding, Manifestation, Making the spiritual physical, Kidney Ore, Red Iron Ore, Hematite Gemstones, Haematite Element: Earth Chakras: Root (1st), [for Hematite magnets: All]
Product – Jet Specimen Keywords: Protection, Purification, Grounding Element: Earth Chakras: Base (1st), for grounding; All, for purification
Product – Magnetite Specimen Keywords: Alignment of subtle energies with the body, Grounding, Balancing polarities, Awakening hidden potentials Element: Earth Chakras: All