


Product – Platinum Specimen



Keywords:   Cosmic connection, Interdimensional communication

Element:  Storm

Chakras:  All, Especially Third Eye (6th), Crown (7th), and Transpersonal/Etheric (8th through 14th, above the head)


Scientifically, Platinum is a chemical element with the symbol Pt and atomic number 78. It is a dense, malleable, and highly unreactive metal, making it resistant to corrosion and tarnish. Platinum has a high melting point and is known for its durability and strength. It is primarily found in ores associated with other precious metals such as gold and silver.

Spiritually, Platinum is often associated with the realm of the soul and higher consciousness. It is believed to carry the energy of the stars and celestial realms, symbolizing divine connection and the infinite possibilities of the universe. Platinum is considered an androgynous metal, representing the harmonious balance of masculine and feminine energies within oneself.

In terms of healing, Platinum is thought to have a powerful transformative energy. It is believed to assist in breaking through limitations, promoting personal growth, and facilitating spiritual evolution. Platinum is often used in energy healing and spiritual practices to activate and align the upper chakras, including the crown chakra, facilitating a deeper connection to higher realms and spiritual guidance.

Metaphysically, Platinum is revered for its high vibrational frequency. It is said to resonate with the non-physical chakras located above the head, such as the soul star chakra and the causal chakra. These chakras are associated with expanded consciousness, spiritual awakening, and accessing higher states of awareness. Platinum is often used in conjunction with stones that resonate with these higher chakras to enhance their energetic effects and facilitate spiritual growth.

It is important to note that while Platinum holds significant spiritual and metaphysical symbolism, it is not commonly used in the form of gemstones or crystals. Its energetic properties are primarily associated with the metal itself and its connection to higher realms of consciousness.

In summary, Platinum represents the spiritual aspect of existence, symbolizing the stars, transformation, and the highest vibrational spectrum. Its energetic resonance is believed to align with the upper chakras and facilitate spiritual growth and connection to higher realms. While not commonly used in crystal healing, Platinum holds a unique and powerful energy that can support individuals on their spiritual journey and exploration of higher consciousness.

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