
Rainbow Moonstone


Product – Rainbow Moonstone Specimen



Rainbow Moonstone Specimen


Quartzsite Minerals is thrilled to present the enchanting Rainbow Moonstone Specimen, a captivating variety of feldspar that exhibits a mesmerizing play of colors. Renowned for its ethereal beauty, Rainbow Moonstone is a gem that resonates with mystical energies.

Scientific Properties:

Rainbow Moonstone, scientifically classified as a variety of orthoclase feldspar, showcases a unique phenomenon called adularescence. This phenomenon creates a stunning visual effect, reminiscent of the play of colors seen in moonlight. It belongs to the monoclinic crystal system and is celebrated for its iridescence.

Colors and Varieties:

True to its name, Rainbow Moonstone features a milky white to translucent base with a captivating spectrum of colors that dance across its surface. The play of blues, purples, and sometimes even hints of peach or green, gives each specimen an otherworldly charm. The adularescent effect is a result of light scattering within the feldspar’s internal structure.

Metaphysical Properties:

Metaphysically, Rainbow Moonstone is revered as a stone of intuition, insight, and divine feminine energy. It is associated with the moon and is believed to enhance psychic abilities. The stone is often used to promote balance, harmony, and emotional well-being. Rainbow Moonstone is thought to connect with the energies of lunar cycles, making it a popular choice for those seeking spiritual growth.

Healing Properties:

Rainbow Moonstone is considered to have healing properties that support emotional healing and balance. It is believed to aid in calming emotional turbulence, reducing stress, and enhancing mental clarity. Some practitioners use Rainbow Moonstone for meditation and spiritual practices to deepen their connection with higher realms.

Care and Maintenance:

To preserve the lustrous beauty of Rainbow Moonstone, it is recommended to handle it with care and avoid exposure to harsh chemicals. Clean the specimen gently with a soft cloth and store it away from direct sunlight.


Immerse yourself in the mystical allure of Rainbow Moonstone at Quartzsite Minerals. Our curated collection features exquisite specimens that showcase the mesmerizing play of colors inherent in this gem. Whether you are a crystal enthusiast, collector, or someone drawn to the metaphysical properties of gemstones, the Rainbow Moonstone Specimen is a radiant addition to any collection.

Please note that the metaphysical and healing properties mentioned above are based on traditions, folklore, and subjective experiences. Gemstones are not a substitute for professional medical advice or treatment.

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